Its like that moment on Project Runway when they realise the challenge is menswear and some of them are like 'men wear clothes too?!?'
Anyway, here it is, my first go at menswear (obviously not counting the jacket I made for plush Elmo in my youth...)
Its a waistcoat I made for my
Prince Charming!
I made it using the
Antony pattern (which you can download free from Burdastyle) and this
tutorial by usedtobelieve on Threadbanger.

The front is pinstripe wool
suiting and the back is same colour as the cravat in this picture. I think it turned out really well and it fits nicely too.
It wasn't too difficult to construct, but I don't think I've done the shoulders exactly the way you are meant to. I was originally worried about the button holes but I seem to have mastered them on my machine now.
I really like the buttons actually, they give it a bit of a steampunk feel.