
Brand altering competition/giveaway

25.7.10 - 13:32
It's giveaway time! As I hinted before this competition is all about transformation and redesign.

What you can win

First things first, the prize is a Baby the Stars Shine Bright JSK.

It's a lucky pack dress and it's never been worn but I think it needs a little makeover. I know some people don't like the idea of messing with brand pieces, but this dress isn't getting any wear as it is.

How the competition works

To enter you'll need to describe in words or pictures or both what you would do with this dress.
You might want to do very little -like just add an applique or you might want to completely change it and make it into a short skirt. You could dye it, cut it up, add a print or pockets.
Then I'll pick the best idea and you get the dress. After that it's up to you!*

You'll also need to follow the blog somehow - through the follow button or through your reader. You can send your entry to my email if you prefer - but please leave a comment so I can make sure everyone gets included. (gothiclolitasewing@gmail.com)

Please leave your entry by Sunday 22nd August 2010 (midnight GMT) and I'll announce the winner after that.


I've removed this bow from the front, but that will be included. It's got shirring and lacing at the back.
Measurements are: (unstretched - fully stretched) 
Bust: 34in 87cm - 42in 107cm
Waist: 28in 72cm - 36in 91cm
Length: 39in 100cm
but since this is an alteration challenge - you can change it to your own size.

I really hope someone can give this dress a new lease of life and actually get some wear out of it.
Lets see your creativity! Good luck x

Other info:
International entries are welcome and I will send the dress as a gift but you will be responsible for any customs duties applied by your country. 
I only have this one dress so if it gets lost in the post or anything unfortunately there won't be anything I can do.
If you win - it's your dress, so you can give it to a friend or sell it on ebay if you really want. Just so you know it's not worth a whole lot of money - especially since it doesn't have a print or any special embroidery.

*It really is up to you after that - you can do what you want with it. I would be cool to see if you did alter it, but there's no pressure :)


  1. do you have a picture of the dress from the side? great competion idea!

  2. Thanks. I've added a picture of the side and detail on the skirt.

  3. Thanks for the sweet giveaway, I've always wanted something from baby!

    I would cut the sides of the torso and make it into an apron! To emphasize the lace, I'm thinking about adding a couple of pretty lace doilies on one side. I might also add one or two rows of embroidered white scallops right under the torso (where the gathering starts) and some pink ribbon embroidery along the spaces.

    Lol, I basically just jammed a bunch of ideas I had in mind into this jsk. xD

    Example of doily: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_01juib85hag/SGTbpQEKlsI/AAAAAAAAAdU/atRyZNmTgJs/s400/pretty+flower+doily.JPG

    and ribbon embroidery: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/172/383966882_d1cc6f2a0a.jpg

    btw, I'm a follower on google friend connect!


  4. This is an amazing giveaway. I won't enter, but it is really awesome. You're an inspiration!

  5. Great giveaway! There are so many things I would do to this dress if I was modding it. I would basically change it from sweet to classic. I sent you an email with my entry!

    I follow you btw!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wow, great contest!
    I think I would screen print a design to the front panel, maybe something like this cameo inspired print i did (www.flickr.com/photos/chelsea_selkie/ 4829911342/) but smaller and with a frame around it.
    You see boarder prints on lolita dresses and skirts a lot but i don't know if i have ever seen a dress with printed bodice. Bead work could be added to the frame or areas of design for a more decadent feel. Extra lace in the same colour as fabric paint (probably red or black) also added to the places with white lace to tie it in. Possibly a few small ribbon bows.
    I could list far more elaborate changes but think it is a great quality lovely dress just in need of some details to make it more individual.

  8. I'll enter.

    I think this would be a great chance to exercise my embroidery muscles. But first, I would alter the neckline and probably make it square instead of heart shaped. I'm not sure how I feel about the lace on the bodice, so I'd probably either remove or replace that.

    Then I'd embroider tiny white flowers over the entire JSK. Somethimg similar to this: http://www.needlenthread.com/Images/patterns/Hand_Embroidery/Flower_Pattern_Embroidery_01.gif

    But in white.

    And depending upon how it fits, I might take it in a bit. That's about it. I'm a girl of simple tastes!

  9. It's a lovely dress, but the plain-ness of the pink dress isn''t really appropriate for the sort of sweet look its going for... I'd die it a lovely neutral classic colour (navy or sepia tones) so that it would continue to have an understated, yet colourful charm. But once it was a more classic colour I don't think the two strips of lace going up the bodice would be appropriate, so I'd get rid of those, plus the beading/ribbon lace on the front.
    The bow (if it's included in the alteration competition) could also be dyed and then made into a hair accessory.
    Of course, now the dress would be plainer than before, so I'd spice it up by screenprinting or appliqueing silhouettes of some butterflies or deer, to give a sweet-without-being-cavity-inducing touch.
    Then I'd put it into a kick-ass co-ord, of course! :D

  10. This is such a cool competition, I've never had any brand, and I've never seen anyone doing a giveaway like this before!

    I like the dress, but here's what I would do to change it:

    First, I would add some puffy cap sleeves and turn it into an OP. I would remove the lace from the bodice, alter the neckline slightly, and do something more like this: http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kzloibFSEm1qbo15yo1_250.jpg with the fluffy row in the front. Then I think adding a small print on the skirt would look nice. Not a crazy border print, but just a small one, that would look like and applique but it would be screen printed. I think something like a teapot or teacups would be really cute, using pale yellow and lavender, which I think would really suit the soft pink.
    I think I might also make it an empire waist. I would definitely incorporate a little pale yellow and lavender, I think those colors look so nice together.

  11. ooh, I've always thought about some of the pieces by Baby, and how they could use a little more oomph!

    If it were mine, I'd add scallops of pearls along the bottom, possibly with a bow or rose at each top point between scallops. I'd also add some more detail to the back bow, since they're often so plain! I'd make the ties permanent, then make the bow itself detachable with buttons. It would look more like the front bow, with lace detailing, lace around the edges, and possibly some long Raphael lace along the ends of the ties!

    One last thing, another possibility might be to wear it over a ruffled underskirt, and ruche it up with some safety pins to make a princess skirt!. You could move the detachable front (or now back) bows to cover where you pin it up on the front. You could reverse the whole thing too, and do it in the back, and you'd have a more traditional bustle-skirt.

    n_n sorry it's so hard to explain, but I don't have a tablet or scanner available at the moment to make some sketches! I hope you get what I mean.

  12. Im 16 year and i cant really afford brand and this dress is gorgeous and I love baby but I would probably go for a more OTT look<3
    Im in love with yellow and bunnies right now so I would print this little bunny on it (except the bunny should be a soft pastel yellow and the rose would be white.
    I would sew buttons on the front upper part maybe like these? http://www.craftyalley.com/images/product-img/5018583227320.jpg in a row up (I hope you understand) and I would sew 2 ribbons (in good quality of cause) to make it have less “cleavage” cause that might be a problem for me.
    I would dye the waist ties in the same soft yellow as the bunny, and maybe the front bow too.
    http://s635.photobucket.com/albums/uu80/thea_photos/giveaway%20dress/?action=view&current=giveawaydress1-prve2-1.jpg I made some drawings in paint to show what I would do . Not that im good at paint. I would co-ordinate it with this yellow teddybear (im making it into a bag)I have a picture here: http://s635.photobucket.com/albums/uu80/thea_photos/giveaway%20dress/?action=view&current=StillCap0140.jpg
    and a matching yellow cardigan in the colder months, yellow socks with pink shoes.

    I would be soo happy to win this dress but I really love some of the other girls' stuff too.

  13. This is a nice dress, but i think i'd change the straps to thinner ones with a cross at the back, with ribbon tied onto them. Also i'd add an underskirt of white material that also has ruffles for extra poofyness.
    and then i'd make the dress have a sort of graterbelt thing in white ontop of it so there are little suspenders having from it, where i'm clip silk hearts on!

  14. -I would thin the straps a little and mabey add some lace along the edge of them.
    -I would also scalop the edges of the skirt and mabey add a little bow at the top of each scalop.
    -My next idea would be to sow little pearls scattered around the whole dress.
    - I then might add some heart shaped ,mother of pearl, like buttons down the middle of the bodice.
    - I would finally try and lower the back if thats possibe with the shirring ^^;

    i'd love to win this dress as i can't really aford brand let alone custom and shipping prices....but i adore some of the other girls ideas!
    (my email is celandinemc@gmail.com)

  15. That is a great giveaway! Thank you for giving the oportunity to someone to recieve such a cute dress, instead of selling it. it is very generous.

    I can see why someone would want to alter that dress, especially without the bow, it looks kinda odd.

    What I would do.
    First of all I'd remove those two vertical stips of lace on the bodice.

    A) Now if I could find some fabric in this exact color and material, o would probably cut the front a bit, and then ad a cute round bib with a peter pan collar. I would decorate the end of the bib with some of the lace i removed in the begining like this
    I would also make a little bow with the extra fabric, in order to decorate the collar.
    I would use the extra fabric to sew on some puff sleves on
    like those
    I probably wouldnt alter the skirt in this case.

    B) OR I would cut and sew the bodice in this shape
    http://s630.photobucket.com/albums/uu29/yasashi_wabbit/?action=view&current=03.jpg, and would use the spare fabric I cut off to make the "collar" that ties around the neck. I would decorate the cleavage part with wide lace like the pic.
    I would also add some extra lace on the skirt, probably two vertical lines like this
    and I would remove the horizontal lace part from between those two lines.

    I am sorry for my bad english


  16. I;m going to email you some of my designs :)

  17. I think i would remove all of the lace and add possibly a thinner style
    id add maybe a floral or ribbon appliqué/embroidery in a sort of border style
    since my waist is 25" id have to take it in a bit also

  18. I emailed you my ideas! I'm a follower. c:

    My email is Sophster(@)verizon(.)net

  19. I would add a white, lace-trimmer bib to the bodice in front, with two bows, one larger and one smaller. Then, gather up the sides and wear it over a white ruffled underskirt.
    Oh, and my email is noelleheartguitar@hotmail.com. =)

  20. 1. Remove as much lace as possible
    2. Remove shirring, cut out half the back panel, reinstall shirring so it will be smaller and thus fit me.
    3. Re-cut front panel to be like the Empreinte de la Genese dress from Juliette et Justine (hard to describe this in words) trimming the bows with lace that was removed earlier. I would use fabric from the back and front panel and possibly find something to match as well if I didn't have enough fabric.
    4. Add more pintucks below where the zipper finishes to shorten the skirt OR cut off the ruffle, remove the lace, use the basic embroidery functions on my machine to make mini scallops on the hem and cut out carefully.

  21. This is a really pretty dress, but maybe lace could be changed - it's a simple thing, but maybe lace could be sewn along the outside of the sleeve, rather than the inside, and an applique [maybe something like AP's Bunnychan?] could be added to the bottom right in the front of the dress. <3

  22. I would first be nervous because a.) I don't own any brand and b.) i am still just starting to sew.

    First I would change it from a sweetheart neckline to a rounder shape(I don't know the term, sorry!)
    I would partially remove the lace in the front. I'd remove the smaller lace along the neckline. Instead of the two parallel lines, I would have the larger lace follow the new curved neckline. I'd remove the lace that's on the sides of the shirring on the back.

    I don't really like the above and below ruffles at the hem of the skirt, so I would probably change it to just be a bottom ruffle, and remove whatever that white stuff is on top of the ruffle (lace? beads? I can't tell.)

    I'd take out the pink ribbon that is laced in above the pintucks and change it to chocolate brown ribbon.

    I'd remove the waist ties and use a chocolate brown cincher/belt or a extra-wide brown bow.
    I would combine it with a chocolate brown long sleeve blouse and warm stockings. I haven't decided what shoes I would wear with it.

    Add a brown and pink bow and you've got a lovely sweet and classic look!

    Thank you for the fun contest! I am only just starting to build my lolita wardrobe and one of my favorite time wasters is dreaming up beautiful dresses to make. I might just make this dream jsk of mine anyways!

  23. Amazing givaway! What I would do. I don't know some of the right terms for things so excuse any maistakes or weird names LOL. :)

    Theme would be Rococo/Fairytale/Fantasy

    - I would remove all the white lace & any other white fabric, the shirring at the back & also the waist ties
    - Colour would be the base pink, mint green & silver
    - I would add sleeves that end just above the elbow on the front & would be slightly longer & flared at the back in the same pink either by using the waist ties or by finding similar fabric, inside just peeking out would be a few layers of assymetric mint green lace. Where the cuff gets longer from the front, just above the elbow area I would have a band of silver fabric/ribbon with a bow on each arm.
    - I would add a small mint green & silver bow in the center of the sweetheart neckline.
    - At the back would be a mint green & pink rococo train that goes all the way past the floor with silver beading all all over like a waterfall.
    - On the front skirt portion I would embroider a floral design in mint green with a medium sized butterfly with silver wings hovering just above the flowers, slighty askew to either side.
    - I'd make a matching mint green & pink full bonnet with silver detailing, pink & mint green feathers on top & matching pink, pink & silver coloured roses at the front.

  24. This is my first time doing a contest and first time thinking of altering a jsk... I really hope you like it ^ ^'

    well first off I would start on the front, seing as there is only a bow on it I would have a thick two
    inch piece of lace that would run down from the neckline to were the skirt begins.Also on top of the lace
    I would have a line of four white pearls ( as buttons ) going down the torso of the dress, I would also take the two paralel lace parts off. Also on the bottom sides of the torso I would embroider 3 small white roses
    in a L shape making the corner one a bit bigger.

    Now for the bottom I would take the frills and lace off and replace it with a soft white lace about 1.5 inches thick
    and also have small white embroidered roses across the bottom, as well as have a embroidered picture
    of a white butterfly, coming form the right side of the bottom of the skirt.

    The roses across the skirt will go on through the back. I would also replace the necklines lace with a bit thicker and prettier
    lace. Even if I couldn't take the shirring out of the back I would have it flat. and with little emboridered roses in the L shape in the back of the dress like the front. but most of all I would dye it a mint color.

    Ohhhhh >///< I hope you like mine, this would be my first jsk. O= I shouldn't have said thattt.....
    but but, I like everyone elses Ideas too they sound so cuteeee....

  25. This is my first time doing a contest and first time thinking of altering a jsk... I really hope you like it ^ ^'

    So I would dye it mint.
    well first off I would start on the front, seing as there is only a bow on it I would have a thick two
    inch piece of lace that would run down from the neckline to were the skirt begins.Also on top of the lace
    I would have a line of four white pearls ( as buttons ) going down the torso of the dress, I would also take the two paralel lace parts off. Also on the bottom sides of the torso I would embroider 3 small white roses
    in a L shape making the corner one a bit bigger.

    Now for the bottom I would take the frills and lace off and replace it with a soft white lace about 1.5 inches thick
    and also have small white embroidered roses across the bottom, as well as have a embroidered picture
    of a white butterfly, coming form the right side of the bottom of the skirt.

    The roses across the skirt will go on through the back. I would also replace the necklines lace with a bit thicker and prettier
    lace. Even if I couldn't take the shirring out of the back I would have it flat. and with little emboridered roses in the L shape in the back of the dress like the front.

    Ohhhhh >///< I hope you like mine, this would be my first jsk. O= I shouldn't have said thattt.....
    but but, I like everyone elses Ideas too they sound so cuteeee....

  26. I'll be sending you an email with a drawing, but here's the run down:

    1- remove lace
    2- bleach dress and dye mint green, dye lace light blue
    3-reattach blue lace and now blue ribbon
    4- add ruffle sleeves
    5- accentuate pleating
    6- add extra bows and false flowers
    7-dye some other accessories to match the dress
    8- Look freaking adorable.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Really love this giveaway! might as well give it a try~
    Personally i would LOVE to do some ribbon embroidery on the whole dress,, something like what Momoko in Kamikaze girls did:http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/2796/screenshot20100801at151.png
    this will keep the style of Btssb and add some personality onto it~

  29. I would like to enter~!

    I will e-mail you an image, but this is basically what I've decided:

    Pearls and hearts.
    ~strings of pearls with pink heart crystals, hanging down on the skirt
    ~pearls along the seams of the bodice
    ~replace the lace on the seams with heart lace
    ~small strand of three pearls and a heart at the neckline
    ~add ribbon bows to the beading lace
    ~make the bow into a head bow with a strand of pearls

    I like the rest of the dress, it just needed some... oomph~!

  30. First, I would remove the bodice of the dress and make it in to a skirt. I'd make the waistband half elastic and use some of the extra material from the bodice to make some detachable bows for it as well.

    Next, I would use my stamp printing technique where I paint a regular rubber stamp with fabric paint and press it on to the skirt. For this I would use a chandelier stamp and metallic silver paint. The silver would really give it some extra oomph that a plain white couldn't.

    On each chandelier I would embellish the tops with bits of the ribbon from the corset ties in the back. I would also embellish them with small pearl beads.

    The skirt also looks a little long, so depending on how it is on me I would be inclined to shorten it maybe a couple of inches or so.

    Finally I'd take the bow from the front of the dress and turn it into a matching headbow.

  31. Great giveaway!

    Here's what I am thinking:

    -Put the bow that was on the front lowered to the waist to accentuate the waistline.
    -Add a bit of soft cotton lace to the bustline and bottom of the skirt.
    -Add a ruffle between the waistline and ladder lace to fill the space.
    -To further fill the empty space, add two pockets(in my case hearts, which are my favorite and would match the neckline )
    -Add little ribbon bows to the waist ties, one at the neckline where it dips down, and maybe little ones around near the bottom of the skirt.
    -Add cotton lace to the ends of the straps (outer edge)

    This would look like a very nice dress, I think, once the alterations are done! Now I wish I had it, so I could have something to do with my time! xD

  32. Since I'm a geek and have a bunch of ideas I'd roll a 12-sided die in front of my lolita friends and do whichever came up. And yes, whichever came up would be done and used extensively and with love.

    1.) Since I prefer skirts: Remove the bodice and take the lace off of it, make a new waistband with matching fabric or strips taken from the shirred section. The removed bow would be turned into a headbow, and whatever fabric was left would be turned into pockets, possible lace-edged with the lace from the bodice.

    2.) Because I love to cook: Take off the shirred section and use the waist ties to turn it into the most brando cooking apron ever, complete with pockets from the leftover fabric.

    3.) Since black is dominant in my lolita waredrobe: Dye the dress black and hand-embroider a message on the hem above the ruffle in bright thread all the way around. Maybe the Serentity prayer. Possibly remove the ruffle first so it stays pink then add it back when I'm done. Or maybe even just dye the ruffle and bow then sew them back in place.

    4.) Because I need a new overskirt: Take off the bodice, use fabric from bodice and waist tied to turn it into an apron over-skirt for a bustle-back underskirt. Leftover fabric gets turned into bows/etc. for various outfits/purposes.

    5.) Because a dress is just fabric: Take it completely apart, even the bottom lace and pintucks. Cut resulting fabric into quilt blocks and make the world's first literal Baby quilt.

    6.) Since I'm a LoTR nerd: Embroider Elvish-style green and gold vines along the base above the pintucks, on the points of the back bow, and on the front of the bodice after taking off the lace. Maybe bleach it then tea-dye it a natural beige color first.

    7.) Knitting is my obsession: Remove the bodice, take off the lace and pintucks and then, carefully and using techniques for tee-shirts, cut the skirt into a really long 1/2 inch-wide stripe. Use that strip to knit a bag, which would be lined with the bodice fabric. Add one magnetic purse closure, and the resulting purse would be decorated with the bow and maybe the lace over the ruffle, and the rest of the lace and the ribbon from the lacing would probably be braided into a strap. OR the waist ties would be turned into a strap. Depending on if more yarn was needed the ruffle could survive to be transplanted to another dress, be added to the purse's decor, or be turned into more bows.

    8.) Since I'm tall: Cut the bottom of the skirt off right at the pintucks. Add 6-8 inches of a coordinating fabric (probably a big ice cream print I have that comes with each cone or sundae surrounded by a border) then add the ruffle back afterwards.

    9.) Since it gets chilly in St Louis: Modify it into a hooded cape, complete with lining.

    10.) My room is boring: Make the skirt into a curtain or valance for my window. I'd use THICK white fabric to line the back of the skirt to protect it from sun damage, and probably use white fabric to finish the curtains. The waist ties would become tiebacks.

    11.) Because I'm generous: Get matching fabric and modify this JSK to fit a size 20 friend of mine who has measurements about 20 cm off the max and desperately wants a piece of brand. Hopefully do so in such a way that it can be undone when she reaches her goal size. I would also add any modification she wanted, probably a set of matching applique pockets. (She's already down like 70 lbs and with a recent death in her family I hope this can remind her of that she can achieve her goals.)

    12.) Because I love the idea of a pink Pirate: Take off the bodice lace then add four bustling lines around the skirt so it can be hitched up to reveal a white underskirt. Add Pirate inspired charms to a string of pearls that drape assymetrically across the front of the skirt, probably strung between bows. Maybe make more "booty" chains between the two bows, with dangling coins and gem beads and such. Then make a tricorn out of matching fabric.

  33. Oooh, this is so much like a blank slate, I love the idea of altering this dress!

    - I love the sweetheart neckline but the lace along the seams isn't doing it any favors. I'd take that out first.
    - I don't know what's going on with the pleating AND the ruffle at the bottom - there are too many details. So I'd take the pleating out, take the ruffle off and add a ruffle in antique ivory. I'd also replace the waist ties with the same ivory.
    - I'd tea dye the rest of the lace to match the ivory, taking it off and putting it back on as needed.
    - The shirring panel doesn't need to exist, especially with the lacing already there. I would take out the shirring panel but keep the corset lacing in the back.
    - For the main pink part of the skirt, I would stencil a butterfly design something like this (http://shop.confetti.co.uk/prod_images/mainproduct/63710.jpg) in ivory on the front. There's a distinct lack of butterflies in lolita and that needs to change!
    - Finally, the sleeves need some kind of detail or else it just doesn't look interesting, so I would add an ivory cap-sleeve ruffle to the sleeve hole edges.

    Here's a rough rendering of the modifications to the front: http://i33.tinypic.com/2njy9fd.jpg

    This is a great competition idea! Good luck to everyone!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Hi, Just submitted my entry to you.

  36. Cool idea!

    My immediate impression is that the bodice is too plain in comparison to the skirt. I really like the pintucks in the skirt, so I would want to keep that theme going in the bodice.

    The first step would be to find some fabric that matched in color and texture, and then I would probably completely redo that bodice panel. I like the heart-shape neckline, but it seems kind of out of place, so it would have to go. I would replace it with a low, scoop neckline, and edge it with cotton lace. I would put a set of vertical pinstripes in the center of the bodice panel, and then run some narrow lace along the two sides of the pintucking.

    The bodice bow could then be pinned at the waistline, like many other BABY jumperskirts.

    I would also put ribbon lacing over the shirring, since I love that look.

  37. Definitely interested in participating in this!
    (fantastic blog btw)

  38. Oh this is such a good idea!

    Well I'd firstly remove all the white lace and change the dress colour to black. Then, I would alter the hem to make it slightly asymmetrical so that an underskirt could be seen below, and then maybe add a ruffle on the hem.
    I'd also attach the detachable bow to the right side of the waist.

    To add a bit more detail, I'd put some red rose appliques along the longer side of the hem, and another red rose applique or corsage at the top of the bodice.

    That's about it really. Also, I followed your blog. ^^

  39. Ahh I'll enter~ haha.

    So first, I'd take out the waist ties and with them I'd make a button-on heart panel with cute white heart-shaped buttons (example: http://img.pupe.ameba.jp/image/item/l/_J0yID_4Ylqa.jpg )

    Then I'd make a waistband out of shiny white grosgrain ribbon, and it would button at the back. On the back of the waistband would be a large tulle bow falling down the back of the dress and trailing off the end with two pearls dripping off each end of the bow's tails.
    I'd pull the back up and add in a rufflebutt, er, ruffleback with white tulle and sew pearls into the layers of tulle.
    I'd add pink grosgrain bows around the bottom of the dress on top of the thick lace, each with a pink pearl sewn on top.

    I'd finish it off with a cute white lace choker with a gold heart pendant on the front, turn the waist bow into a headbow, and finish the headbow with a flurry of white fabric roses.

  40. I will add a cute bow at the center of the heart neckline to cover the "V" shape. The removed bow will be add at the waist and a string of pearl will be add to the bow. A wide nice lace will be added in the center of the bodice which connects both bow.

    As for the skirt, I have 4 designs for it (the bodice will be the design above):

    First, I will remove the entire lower part and replace them with a row of pink organza ruffles arranged in scallop. Below the ruffles will be a row of ruffles in white with pink bow around it. An extra layer of white ruffles will be added at the hem of the skirt. The laces that is removed from the skirt will be add to the waist tie.

    Second, details of the skirt will still be remove entirely. A layer of the white ruffles will be added at the hem. Before the hem will be decorate with a stripe of ribbon in white. Before the ribbon will be embroidered with rose, leaves and vines in red.

    Third design will be bustle back. I still choose to remove the entire detail. The lace removed will be add at the hem of the skirt. A layer of pink ruffles will be added below the lace.

    Fourth, details are still removed. XD 2 ribbon will be string in front and 2 at the back so that when it is pulled, it will create a scalloped edge. A layer of whiteruffles will be added at the edge. Under the hem will have another layer of pink ruffle.

    1. first design

    2. back view (waist tie)

    3. skirt design 2

    4. embroidered detail

    5. third design (front)

    6. third deisgn (back)

    7. fourth design

    Wow, its pretty long! You get my creativity flowing~ By the way, ollowed via open ID (LJ).

  41. I sent you an e-mail!

  42. This is a really cool idea <3 thanks for doing this~!

    I’d start by reshaping the bodice to make it into a sweetheart halter JSK. The lace on the front can stay, and some of the shirring in the back would be cut off, so it’d have a lower back. I’d keep the corset lacing over the shirring in the back.
    I’d use the waist ties to make halter straps, with buttons in the front to secure them.
    I’d most likely fasten the detachable bow to the back waist part, so it doesn’t look too empty. I’d pin it down too so it wouldn’t end up sideways :3
    I’ve always liked the look of dot tulle over the bust area, so I’d add that in, and use the lace removed from the shoulder straps to cover the bottom edge.

    For the skirt part, I’ve had a print idea in mind for a while (currently unfinished. this pic is good for design, full design pic (below) is better for execution of design):
    designed in a style shown on my drawing. There’d be a rose on the top along the waist line, with rose petals floating down onto a heart shaped box of truffles, with a few outside, along with more rose petals. Possibly I’d do a pearl chain connecting to another smaller rose. The box of chocolates would be red, and the truffles ivory and brown; this way the pink background compliments the design.
    the top row of lace would have to go, but the pintucks and bottom ruffle look nice, so they’d stay.

    Full design is here:

    My livejournal is chiiyo_rin, my email is egichii@hotmail.com
    Thank you so much!

  43. So, I actually rather like the dress for the most part, but I decided to let my imagination run and see where it went. Originally, I thought it might be cute to replace the center section of the bodice with a Victorian or baroque floral (perhaps something like this? http://www.joann.com/images/36/50/7/xprd365070_m.jpg), and add a little over-skirt and a full sash around the whole thing for a more princess-like look, but the more I sketched, the less I liked it.

    Eventually, I came up with this:

    In my design, I'm replacing the center part of the bodice still, with a white, off-white ...or maybe even a very light pink, if I could find one suitable. (it's hard to tell from the image if the dress is pink x white or pink x off-white?). The neckline changes to a simple rounded one with a little small lace accent, and some pale pink pearl heart buttons and some vertical lines of lace are added. The waistline is modified at the center into a soft V shape.

    If I were modifying this dress, I might swap out the lace already on the bodice for a more simple, smaller lace depending on how it looked in person.

    A matching over skirt is added 3/4 of the way around. The over skirt is done in tiers and accented with little heart buttons or matching bows, and has a simple ruffle around the bottom and a simple lace down the legs of the A-shaped edge. In my sketch it got a little too full due to the angles, but it would be done to match the line of the underskirt.

    The lovely large bow which once adorned the neckline gets attached to an alice band or small comb and becomes a headdress.

  44. I've sent an email^^ thank you for hosting this ^^

  45. sent an email. hope this counts as a post :)

  46. If I got it I would remove the lace and dye it a deep mauve. Then I would alter the bust line in to a square neckline. I would dye the lace a lighter shade and add a band of it at the waist and some at the altered neckline.

    As for the skirt I think it needs a print. Something unexpected like a cameo with a tentacle or an octopus in it printed it a lighter shade of red. Screen printing would be fun and make a matching bag and head bow easy.

  47. Hey, I just emailed you my entry! My email is ninangel02 at yahoo dot com. I'm also following you now via twitter, my username is Mira Joan. I hope you like my entry, I'm super in love with it and want to seriously do it if I win!

  48. Since I've always wanted a deep red piece, I would start by dyeing the JSK wine red, including the lace. After that I would embroider roses in a slightly deeper red (just enough so that they show up) with thick cotton thread along the neckline and just above the ruffle of the skirt. I would not use the bow that attaches to the front, and instead would construct a matching headdress. This would either be a handmade wool mini top hat with embroidered roses instead of a hatband, the roses matching the ones on the JSK (obviously, I guess). Or, option two, I would just make a rose to put in my hair. Then I would paint my nails red, dye my hair red, and wear red makeup. I would just go monochrome to match the dress.

  49. I think it's really cool you're doing this!
    I think changing the jumperskirt to a skirt is the best idea I can come up with that I'd like to wear myself. Dying it with a blue to make it a light purple would be my next step and then I could tell if the lace will dye or not (I've seen it not dye before when someone else tried dying brand) If it does I hope to add some cute shaped pockets on the front out of the lace and fabric on the top so it matches. Also I think a bustled back would be cute :D
    I'll put a picture on here too....

  50. Even though I would be incredibly happy just to have the dress without alterations I really want to win this so I emailed you my sketch as well as explanation. Please ignore my first email because I forgot to attach my design. Great blog, amazing contest <3
    ps Im Sophia Alexandra and I am a follower!

  51. Well, unfortunately I don't even have a sewing machine any more, so I don't even know if I'd actually be able to make these changes, but I suppose I could try and handsew it. Any ways, here goes:
    First of all, the dress is cute, but its far too pink for me. I'd definitely have to add some black. I would add a large, black spade shaped applique on the bodice as well as two black bows at he base of each strap. Then, I would make a black overskirt that is gathered in the front in sort of a "princess" style. I would put 4 black bows all the way around the bottom ruffle- 2 in front and 2 in back. Next I would replace the ribbon over the shirring with black and convert the detachable bow into a hairbow. Here is a picture I drew up of what I'm talking about(sorry for the shitty MS Paint draw-over, lol) http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v326/verycheesey/?action=view&current=altereddress.jpg

  52. Well, I'm not as creative as some of these ladies but here we go:

    *- I HATE that lace. I would strip that lace on the bodice completly.

    *- I would line the inside of the neckline, and on both sleeves/straps with a soft leaf green coulor (not frilly, just a simple lining)

    *- I would take more of this leaf green and would place it around the waistline (like a built in belt). I would remove the pink waist ties, and use this green.

    *- using a pink material, close to the shade of the JSK, i would make 3-d roses, with green leaves, to be added on the bottom ruffle all around.

    *- Then to make up for the bodice looking too plain, I would make a green bow with another pink rose in the middle of it, and place it below the strap on the left side under the strap.

    Thankyou for this opertunity. I'm having so much fun seeing what other girls would do to it. Very neat!

  53. Well, I'm not as creative as some of these ladies but here we go:

    *- I HATE that lace. I would strip that lace on the bodice completly.

    *- I would line the inside of the neckline, and on both sleeves/straps with a soft leaf green coulor (not frilly, just a simple lining)

    *- I would take more of this leaf green and would place it around the waistline (like a built in belt). I would remove the pink waist ties, and use this green.

    *- using a pink material, close to the shade of the JSK, i would make 3-d roses, with green leaves, to be added on the bottom ruffle all around.

    *- Then to make up for the bodice looking too plain, I would make a green bow with another pink rose in the middle of it, and place it below the strap on the left side under the strap.

    Thankyou for this opertunity. I'm having so much fun seeing what other girls would do to it. Very neat!

  54. Sent my entry by email :)

  55. Sent you an email!^^ My display name is Peter XD

  56. The contest is such a great idea and the suggestions from the comments are so inspiring!

    Basically I really like the dress, but I would change the following things:
    1. I would change the ribbon from the front into a headpiece. I would cut the "loose ends" of the ribbon and add it so that the loose ends are directly underneath the ribbon instead of being laterally adjusted. Then I would add two strips to the center of the ribbon on the bottom side so that I can fasten the ribbon with knots underneath the chin.
    2. I am not sure if the color would fit my skin tone. If it would not, I would dye the dress into a more antique pink color.

    3. I think after wearing the dress for about one or two years, the dress would start to look a little bit too plain to me. I would like to add a self-made raspberry print: I would make or buy a raspberry stencil and buy some textile pen in the color of raspberries. Actually, I would like to add a row of raspberries at the bottom of the skirt, but unfortunately there is already lace at that place ;) Therefore I would instead print the raspberries all over the whole dress.

    I finally managed to follow your blog with Thunderbird. I wrote an email to you to share my email address.

  57. Ooh I forgot to comment!
    I've send you an email (before ending!)

    Celina :)

  58. Okay, so... I think I know what I would do with it. I have this really cute headbow that I bought a little while ago and I don't know what to do with it. But I think that if I modified this dress a little it could match perfectly!
    I wouldn't have to modify it much. Here are the main things I would do. I would take the bow that was at the top and put it at the waistline. I would also add little fake pink pearls to the bow to make it match my headbow. Then I would make three smaller bows and line them up vertically down the front. Then the last thing I would do is to add a little ruffle to the sleeve/armhole (whatever you want to call it).

    Everyone else has such great ideas. I'm not sure if I really have a chance at winning, but I would love to try! I've never had the money to buy a brand dress before so I would really love this!

    (Not sure if you need it, but since other people are putting their email addresses I guess I'll put mine. It's aakrahling@hotmail.com)

  59. Just letting you know I just submitted my entry via email from chiichick@gmail.com


  60. First of all:
    Thank you for his really great competition! ☺
    I am not a big fan of altering dresses so much, that you can’t guess which dress it was before. So I tried to go with the original look of the dress and just change it into a different model, like „another JSK version of this Baby dress“.

    So let’s start! Here’s a very rough draft of what I would do: http://img807.imageshack.us/img807/5773/btssbaltering.jpg
    First I would make a cut-out in the back of the dress, so you can wear a nice ruffled underskirt with it. I would use the leftovers to replace the back, shirred part of the bodice, cause I don’t know if it is possible to just cut it..? Itf that’s the case, maybe I would just cut the upper part of the back and leave the shirring and corsetting as it is. But definately I would change the front of the bodice to a real jumper style one (dunno how to explain it, but I hope you can see it in my delittane drawings). I would use the leftovers or the waistbelt to sew straps and border them with small, white lace. The straps should cross in the back and be adjustable by cute, white and rose-shaped buttons. Three of these buttons should go down in a row at the front of the bodice.
    I would take the front bow and attach it to the back, above the ruffled underskirt. If there are any leftovers, I would trim a simple white blouse with it (the collar and the puffy sleeves).
    I know my ideas are not the fanciest ones, but I think if you change colour, shape and just everything about the dress, you could just sew you a new one ;-) But still, all the ideas sound great and I think some girls here should think about realizing their ideas whether they are picked or not.
    Good luck to everyone! ☺
    Oh yeah, I don’t know it you need it, but all the other ones gave you their mail adresses: it’s alaizable (at) t-online (dot) de

  61. Hi =) Just wanted to let you know that I'll send you my entry this evening via E-Mail!

    Greetings from germany,

  62. omg! this is such a wonderful give away! i've sent my entry to your email, hopefully it doesn't end up in spam or something >w<
    my email is i.rabbie.me[at]gmail[dot]com

    oh i think i accidentally sent it twice OoO

  63. Hello! I'm a very new follower to your blog. Thank you very much for this contest!

    There are a few things that I'm not fond of at all about the jumper, and there are also some things I do like about it. Here are my ideas:

    I do like the lace on the skirt part of the jumper, as well as the ruffle along the bottom, but, while I do love pintucks, I think they look a bit out-of-place sandwiched between the other two elements. I'd want to undo the pintucks and move the lace down a couple of inches so it's closer to the ruffles.

    I think that the bow is super-cute, and I like it up by the neckline, although I do not care for the sweetheart neckline and would change it so that it's straight. Or perhaps add something in the "dip" in the middle of it, like having white fabric or lace peek out from behind!

    I like the type of lace used, but I dislike where it's been placed, so I'd take all of it off, including the vertical lace in the back. The bodice, even with the lace, is very plain, and I like more elaborate bodices with simpler skirts on jumpers. I'd take the ribbon from the back and make the front into a corset-laced top with a wider type of lace on either side of the corset lacing. I think that it could even go further with a bib underneath the corseting; I think that bibs are so cute.

    I'd either take the waist ties off and turn them into something like a headbow or little bows where the straps meet the corsets, or keep them on, but add matching lace and maybe some ribbon to them. ...But I'm so bad at tying waist ties. D:

    I'll send you an e-mail with a similar jumper that I think it could look nice as. :D

  64. Such a nice idea :)
    I hope it's not too late!

    I sent you an email, my email address is daywalker-666@gmx.de

  65. just about to send my entry on e-mail^^

    just quickly skimming this there seem to be many good ideas, you have a difficult job aheadXD

    I have been reading your blog for almost a year, but only today realised I wasn't actually following you on any network other than my internet favourites, haha.
    so now that is fixed:)


  66. I've sent my e-mail with my entry, I hope I'm not late.
    Been watching your blog for a while now.
    Thanks for this cool competition.

  67. I think this is a great contest :) it's very nice of you to have it!

    I originally wanted to draw my design (which I'll link to later) on with these fabric pastels I have, because I think it would be really interesting to have a print that's executed in such a different way (pastels are so lovely to smear, for instance); but I like my inked sketch so much that I think I will do at least some of it with some sort of fabric pen.

    I based my design on the poem "the own and the pussy-cat" because it's such a cute, whimsical theme. I tried out three different ways of drawing the waves of the sea (as seen in the sketch; I think I would use the one to the far left. At the upper right corner is a very rough idea of how it would look on the dress, along with a closeup of the owl and the pussy-cat in their boat. (here is the link! http://i34.tinypic.com/107731x.jpg )
    the other objects (violin, whale, etc) would be more spread out in the real design; there'd also be more of 'em.

    As for altering the dress itself - I'd like to keep the sweetheart neckline, because the lolita handbook on livejournal says that it's flattering for those with a smaller chest (much needed in my case); however, that makes the bodice a tad boring, so to add interest and to tie all the colours together, I'd add a mint (to match all that lovely minty water!) coloured bow somewhere up there - not big enough to cover the much-desired neckline, of course.

    This is more co-ordination than altering, but I would love to knit a lacey mint bolera to match it all, as well.

  68. I would turn this jsk into a replica of my dream dress. I only ever saw this dress once for sale, and it was either too small for me, or too expensive (I can't remember which) and I've kept my eyes peeled ever since and never seen it for sale again.
    Here it is-http://s226.photobucket.com/albums/dd50/allthecyanideidrank/?action=view&current=heartexsanriojsk.jpg

    In order to make this jsk like my dream dress, I would go through my large collection of plastic bags from sanrio and other cute stationary stores. Using this tutorial- http://www.filthwizardry.com/2010/03/iron-on-decals-from-plastic-shopping.html I would make a pattern of hearts, and my favorite sanrio character, My Melody, all along the bottom, right above the lace. Then, I would add pockets above the pattern shaped like the flower My Melody wears on her head. (http://idigitalcitizen.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/mymelody.jpg) I would keep the top fairly simple and add corset lacing running down the front. Instead of using ribbon, I would cut the waist ties into strips to make this lacing.I would reattach the spare bow to the back, where the waist ties would normally tie. I would take the corset lacing out of the back, so it wouldn't look redundant.

    I follow this blog through google friend connect.

  69. I've just found this, and even though someone's probably already one I'll enter as well, let me just scribble on and scan the images because it's hard to describe it because of the things going on in my head lol be back in 30

  70. Thanks for entering everyone! The competition is now closed.
